Thoughts Insights & Opinions

It’s time to break up with Password@123
It’s time to break up with Password@123

In 2024, our password habits seem to be stuck in a nostalgic loop, with "123456" still reigning as the champion of predictability. This illustrious list of the top 10 most common passwords includes all-time hits like "password" and "qwerty," not to mention their...

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Which Apps track you (the most)
Which Apps track you (the most)

The erosion of user privacy continues… In our digital age, privacy comes at a cost, and it's plummeting. One would expect a mobile app to track some usage data to enhance the product but the recent banning of TikTok situation has shed new light on data collection....

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Does AI increase communications risks?
Does AI increase communications risks?

As depicted above, a global study by Metrigy found that nearly half of the contacted companies are leveraging AI for customer engagement and internal collaboration. This is great for productivity and efficiency but has raised significant security concerns, including...

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CEOs vs Cybersecurity Incidents
CEOs vs Cybersecurity Incidents

Cyber Incident: what’s a CEO to do? According to the UK National Cyber Security Centre - cybersecurity has become a paramount concern for organisations of all sizes. As leaders, every CEO plays a crucial role in both preventing and responding to cyber incidents; below...

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How nonverbal communication can determine your future
How nonverbal communication can determine your future

71 million people have watched a TED talk by Amy Cuddy; it is one of the most-watched talks ever. She speaks on how body language can influence ourselves and others and how it can positively impact our life achievements. Why would 71 Million watch this? Many people...

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Dodged a bullet here…
Dodged a bullet here…

The recent revelation about the xz Utils backdoor attempt has sent shockwaves through the open-source community, highlighting a significant risk in the software supply chain. The non-technical version:In simple terms, a critical tool used by almost all Linux systems,...

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The evolution of the organisational mission
The evolution of the organisational mission

More than Transformational? In the ever-evolving business landscape, organisations constantly seek ways to adapt and thrive. Traditionally, the focus has been on Transformational organisational behaviour - incremental changes aimed at improving efficiency and...

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Why Sovereignty Matters – a South African Perspective
Why Sovereignty Matters – a South African Perspective

Just connectivity, or is it more? In light of recent internet outages in South Africa, the concept of sovereignty in technology has garnered increased attention. Ensuring sovereignty in technology refers to a nation's ability to maintain control over its digital...

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Hackers using AI tools
Hackers using AI tools

Caught in the act On Thursday Reuters reported that State-backed hackers from Russia, China, and Iran have been using tools from Microsoft-backed OpenAI to hone their skills and trick their targets. Microsoft successfully identified and thwarted these malicious...

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