It’s time to break up with Password@123

by | May 2, 2024

In 2024, our password habits seem to be stuck in a nostalgic loop, with “123456” still reigning as the champion of predictability. This illustrious list of the top 10 most common passwords includes all-time hits like “password” and “qwerty,” not to mention their extended remixes “123456789” and “qwerty123.” It’s like the password equivalent of a bad 80s cover band—familiar, repetitive, and dangerously easy to guess.

Using these ultra-common passwords is the digital equivalent of locking your front door but leaving the key under the mat with a big neon sign saying “Key Here!” It’s an open invitation for cybercrooks to waltz right into your digital life.

To avoid giving hackers the red carpet treatment, let’s jazz up our password game:


Go for Length and Drama

Think of your password like the plot of a soap opera: the longer and more complex, the better. Aim for at least 12 characters with a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols.

Be Unpredictably Witty

Drop those played-out sequences and easy guesses. Go for something that’s more like a private inside joke or a random, quirky phrase only you can remember.

Enlist a Password Manager

These are like the personal assistants of the cybersecurity world—they’ll handle the hassle of remembering your myriad of strong, unique passwords.

Double Down with Multi-Factor Authentication

This is like adding a retinal scan to your secret lair. A second verification step can drastically reduce the odds of unauthorized access.



So, let’s not make our digital lives the low-hanging fruit for hackers. A little creativity and caution can go a long way in safeguarding our online presence!



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